Wellness Programs
The WRRC will be offering a number of programs throughout the year, both in-person and remotely. Here you will find information on the WRRC's wellness programs that are offered. These programs are founded in our belief that investing in yourself is important. We hope to see you at one of our programs this year!
Love Your Body Week
Each year in mid-October, the WRRC offers week-long programming focused on unpacking harmful beauty ideals and learning self-love. Check out our Instagram @ucdWRRC for updates on this annual program or visit the National Organization for Women to learn more about the national Love Your Body Day campaign!
Toiletry Pantry
The WRRC offers a FREE pantry with a variety of travel-sized toiletries, including razors, shaving cream, face wash, and more to promote access to basic needs for students. Please visit our Resource Room, North Hall Room 113, to check it out. Please note that supplies are limited and we ask that you be mindful of others when using the pantry.