The WRRC offers a wide range of co-sponsorships - monetary funds in-kind supplies and materials, WRRC career and intern staff time (i.e. tabling, facilitating or speaking on a topic), graphic design publicity, photocopy printing; PR/publicity, WRRC room space (i.e. North Hall - Righteous Babes Lounge, Library, and 113 North Hall), and bullhorn access (sound permit required by Memorial Union). During the academic year, the staff will review proposals on a first-come, first-serve basis each month with priority given to proposals that meet the guidelines below
Co-Sponsoring Your Organization and Collaboration With the WRRC
We offer funding, space reservations, publicity, and WRRC supplies as co-sponsorship contributions. Proposals are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We are currently accepting requests via our Co-Sponsorship/Collaboration Request Form.